Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Integrity- in or out?

I have had a difficult time this week getting excited about work. I look at my to-do list, and there are a few things on there I just dread. Not surprisingly, those items have been on my list for several weeks.

I realized it was time to come clean. There are several things that I must do to move forward. I realized I am out of integrity with several people and tasks. This is the week I clear the slate.

It's not only to-do items. It is time to let go of a few clients- clients I no longer want to work with on projects that are draining my time and energy. This is a difficult decision, but so necessary. I am not giving them what they need or deserve and not being of service to them or myself. Being a "yes" person, I am not looking forward to the conversation explaining why I have let go. I guess this is an opportunity to learn and grow.

My long list of "out-of-integrity" items includes things like home repairs, spring cleaning that desperately needs to be done, writing long overdue thank-you notes and returning items to their rightful owners. I'm also going to take the time to tell people how special they are and what they mean to me. I think too often we overlook the power of just saying "thanks" and "your amazing" to those close to us. We assume they know it. It doesn't hurt to tell them every once in a while.

While I am not looking forward to the hard work it will take to mark off all the items on my list, I am looking forward to a lighter load on my conscience. I hope it frees up some of the energy I need to keep pushing my business forward.

How about you? What can you do this week to free some of your lost energy?


Unknown said...

Kristina, it sounds like you have stepped beyond a major hurdle in your life. I just want to give you a huge pat on the back. You are an inspiration to anyone who is out of integrity and a role model for taking the reins. Thank you for sharing your story and I'm behind you 100%.
Marketing On The Playground

Unknown said...

Girl, congrats on recognizing that where you are isn't serving you anymore. Don't be afraid to stand firmly to say 'yes' or 'no' to certain situations and certain people. The more you say 'no' to stuff that's not right for you, the more you can say 'yes' to the right things!

Sandy Rees

Linda Pucci, PhD said...

Your blog post was brave--to stand in integrity about what will be best for you. But when you are congruent with yourself and in integrity about it all, I think you'll see yourself moving forward at lightning speed to get those things done that REALLY matter. Great job, Kristina, and a great reminder to the rest of us to pay attention to this important issue.

Sue Painter said...

Your challenge will always be to remain on steady ground and follow through whether you love the task or not. Kudos to you for posting this, it's a great "clearing" step!
Sue Painter

Melanie McGhee said...

Kristina, I so appreciate the courage of your post and the inquiry. It's provocative to consider 'where am I out of integrity and what am I willing to do about it?' Thanks for the inspiration