Monday, August 31, 2009

Do you know where your fundraising plan is?

I can't believe tomorrow is September 1. Where has the year gone? Just four more months of 2009. Are you ready for the year to end?

When was the last time you looked at your fundraising plan? How are you doing on your goals? Is it time to panic?

Take a few minutes this week to reconnect with your plan, figure out how you are doing and how you are going to make this the best year ever.

Do you need to step it up a notch? Are things slipping through the cracks? What needs to happen to meet your goals?

Is there an area that as exceeded expectations? Look at all you have accomplished so far this year and pat yourself on the back. Be proud of all that you have done and the amazing difference you are making in your community.

Let's make these last four months the best yet.

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