Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Do you have a crisis management plan?

I've mentioned my addiction to talk radio before, but even I am ready to shut it off. All the bad news is too much to take, especially the oil disaster in the Gulf. As a want-to-be New Orleans resident, I am heart broken over the devastation.

BP's apparent lack of an emergency backup plan got me thinking about my own business. What would I do if I lost my computer and all my files? What if I needed to attend to a family matter for weeks or months? What if I was sued for something I did?

A crisis management plan doesn't have to be about all of the bad things that could happen to you. It could also be about the opportunities that may pop up. If you have a resume-writing business and the largest company in your county goes bankrupt, would you be in a position to provide needed services for those employees? This isn't about taking advantage of a bad situation. Well, yes it is, but not in a mean, greedy, hurtful, selfish way.

I think I will focus on this topic more in a later post. In the meantime, backup your computer and put important files in a safe place.

That's all I have, for now. Feel free to comment with your ideas. I'd love to hear them. Oh, if you have any suggestions on how to cap a well spewing thousands (?) of gallons of oil into the ocean, please post that as well.

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