Friday, May 28, 2010

Putting your business first

I recently started following Fabienne Fredrickson, an amazing coach that has created a system to attract new clients. I love her approach. The one thing that really resonates with me is also the one thing I am having the hardest time doing.

If you ask Fabienne how many hours a week you should be marketing your business, she will tell you, "four hours A DAY."

What? How am I supposed to spend half my day on my own business? What about my clients? How am I supposed to make money if I focus half my attention on me? Oh, wait. How will I get new clients if I don't focus on marketing myself? What a a-ha moment.

I challenge you to spend more time on your business over the next month. What would your business look like if you spent half of your time promoting you.

Don't tell me you don't have time. You have more time than you think. How many hours a day do you spend checking your email, playing on Facebook or tweeting every thought that pops into your mind? Yep, plug those time wasters and channel that energy towards promoting yourself and see what a difference that makes.

What is your biggest objection or challenge to shifting your marketing focus? Are you up for the challenge? I'm in and I'd love for you to join me.

Learn more about Fabienne Fredrickson at

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