Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Being fearless

I have to admit, my idea of fearlessness has changed over the past few months. It used to think activities like skydiving, rock climbing, whitewater kayaking and bungee jumping required required an equal amount of bravery and crazy.

But being an entrepreneur has taught me something about having faith- in myself, my abilities, my talents and my friends.

Two weeks ago, I face one of my fears when I emailed all of my friends asking them to sign up for my ezine. Most of them had no idea I started my own business. Some of them even registered for the bi-weekly email.

Next scary thing- actually sending the ezine out. My mailing list had more than doubled- to 16 supportive, caring friends. Still, I was a little nauseous when I hit the "send now" button that sent my ideas and thoughts out into the universe.

Now, I am facing another fear, and this is a big one for me. I will be holding a free teleseminar on March 30, 2010, at 3 p.m. I will cover the six questions to developing your business story.

I will also be announcing an even bigger leap for me- my first 7-part telecourse that will walk folks through each of the six questions and come out with a strong story and valuable talking points, along with a plan for incorporating everything learned into their current marketing strategies.

I hope you will travel this journey with me as I learn to be a fearless entrepreneur. I'd love to hear how you are facing your fears. Let's all take that first step into the unknown together. Faith is easier when you are surrounded my friends.

Sign up for me bi-weekly ezine here.

Email me for more information on my free teleseminar and/or my 7-part telecourse.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your story - it's really inspiring!

Talk soon, Cordelia