Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Continuing Education Credit

I enjoyed a wonderful lunch yesterday with Carolyn, a new friend I met at an Association of Fundraising Professionals meeting last year.  We spent the few minutes before our meals came to catch up on work and life.

Carolyn was telling me about the wine tasting class she was taking.  The University of Tennessee offers special noncredit courses in fun topics like baking, tennis, gardening and birdwatching.  They also offer professional development classes, but those don't sound as exciting.

Carolyn also mentioned another class she was taking at Carson-Newman College in Jefferson City, Tenn.  She is enrolled in a music theory class.  Now Carolyn is a grant writer and not exactly straight out of high school, so I was deeply impressed that she would face the challenge of a) taking such a demanding course b) attending class with students half her age c) embracing the opportunity and having fun with it all.  I'm sure this experience makes her a better writer and stronger person.

I admire that about Carolyn.  I give her tons of credit for facing her fears head-on and doing what she loves anyway.

That got me thinking.

What can I do today, this week and this month that would completely throw me out of my comfort zone and challenge me to think outside my warm, cozy box?

What can I study, outside of the stack of marketing, social media and business books beside my bed, that will throw my mind for a loop and make me question how I do things?

What wild and crazy thing can I do that will completely rock my world?  How can I shake up my life so I can face the many challenges I face in running my own business?

I'll let you know what I come up with because I'm sure I'll need your help and support.

How about you?  Are you up for a challenge?

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