Monday, October 25, 2010

Marketing must-dos

With all of the demands on the time and attention of solo entrepreneurs, marketing your own business often falls to the bottom of the to-do list. But without consistent and proactive promotions of your services, you will soon find yourself scrambling for new clients.

Here are some simple must-do items to promote your business. Best of all, they are free to implement.

1. Set aside time for marketing activities. This is non-negotiable. You must block out at least four hours a week, preferably an entire day, to focus on nothing but promoting your services and benefits. You will notice drastic results once you put your business first, so mark it down on your calendar and watch your business soar.

2. Develop your business story. Your unique story describes who you are, what you do and why your are so passionate about your business. Your story is more than a sales tool. It encompasses your vision, values and passion and creates an instant connection with your clients. Your story can be used to create unique selling points and key messages.

3. Understand your ideal client. Getting really clear on who you want to work with will determine where you spend time networking, what your key messages will be and the best methods of communication.

4. Limit networking activities. I know this sounds counter-productive, but focusing on just a few great networking events- events where your ideal clients will be- is the best way to maximize your time and efforts. I have seen too many people waste hours at events with no prospects and no payoff. Do not fall into this trap.

5. Utilize social networking sites. Treat social networking sites as you would regular, face-to-face events. Be strategic and picky about which sites you invest your time. Select one or two sites and really take advantage of the opportunities to connect with clients and build a community of like-minded individuals that share your values and could benefit from your services.

6. Be seen as an expert. Find a way to stand above the crowd by creating a blog or producing an e-zine that explains what you do, offers solutions to your client's problems and lets you be seen as an expert, while promoting your services and business.

7. Create a team. Find a handful of other entrepreneurs who can be guest posters, comment on your blog posts, start (and add to) Facebook conversations and support your marketing efforts. This team works to promote each other and support the marketing efforts of each member.

By focusing on your business for just a few hours a week and incorporating even a few of these tips into your marketing strategy, you will attract more clients and create a constant buzz for your business.


Anonymous said...

7 is a powerful number ... and your seven things are right on. I really like to way you present them; making it seem not so overwhelming. I especially appreciate your warning with number four!

Sue Painter said...

Sounds familiar, and works. Thanks for the reminder.
Sue Painter

Unknown said...

Create a team is key especially if you are a solo-entrepreneur
I sub contract out activities that I do not like to do or do not have time for.....thanks for the tips!

Linda Pucci, PhD said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Kristina--for marketing information that is concrete, simple,concise and makes sense! I agree with Jeff. When you present them this way, instead of overwhelm I often feel about marketing, I think "I can do THAT." Great post!

Santoshamo said...

Very clear and to the point. For someone like me, having a great team in place to support me goes a long way towards meeting that 4 hour mark!

creativelyfit said...

SO love your step-by-step suggestions! I have found that when I spend concentrated time marketing it generates business, sometimes from a totally different source than where I have been marketing. In other words, I generated what I call "marketing energy" that came back to me, just not necessarily from an expected source. Cheers!