Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Networking how-tos

Like most business owners, I struggle with the whole networking thing. I know I should do more, but when will I find the time? I am nervous about going into a networking group alone. I don't want to come off as pushy, manipulative or fake. Most of all, I don't want to waste my time - time I could be using to complete client work.

I found this great article on titled "How to Network Like a Pro." Here are some suggestions from the experts.

1. Be visible. You have to get out and network with new people. You simply can not run a business from behind a computer screen. Even with all of the online networking, you must still leave your office and venture out into the real world and network.

2. Build solid relationships. This is what networking is all about. In order to gain new clients, they must know, like and trust you. The easiest and most effective way to do that is to build a solid, authentic relationship.

3. Diversify. Networking only within your industry is like fishing in a small barrel. Mixing up your networking events gives you connections to a variety of professionals who may be great referrals for you. If you mainly attend professional association meeting, try attending a business networking breakfast or a chamber event.

4. Maintain. You must consistently reach out to those people you have connected with at a networking event, even if they can not help you immediately or may not be a potential client. Follow up after an event, send thank you notes, forward articles of interest, invite them out for coffee. Find some way to stay in contact.

5. Give back as much as you can. Find ways you can help. Allow your new relationship to grow before you ask for something.

What suggestions do you have? What are your best networking tips? Which networking events do you attend? Head over to my Facebookpage and share your best advice.

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