Monday, October 4, 2010

Measuring social media efforts

If you think social networking sites are impossible to measure, then check out the following sites for tools to track your online efforts.

Google Alerts - Like other Google services, it's free and easy to set up.  You can receive emails daily or weekly with links to articles, blogs and other sites on keywords, like your name and/or your business name.

Google Analytics - Google Analytics can provide a really powerful baseline for a variety of different factors. You can track incoming links and then the activities of the users they send, which can be helpful.

TweetMeme Analytics - Use Tweetmeme retweet buttons on your sites to monitor the performance of the content on your website/blog, find out which user demographics were interested in your content and more.

PostRank Analytics - This suite of tools measures social engagement on other platforms and services. What's nice about PostRank is that instead of just a raw number, you can actually see the messages and comments from other sites that contribute to your stats.

HootSuite - HootSuite is a great Twitter manager but also offers impressive analytics. You can look at daily clicks, referral and regional stats and your most popular tweets from Twitter.

There is no longer the excuse that it's difficult or expensive to track and measure your activities on social media sites. 

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