Monday, October 18, 2010

Building relationships through social media

For many, social media is anything but social. Sitting alone in a room in front of a computer doesn't scream community, but there are ways to build relationships online that could benefit your business.

1. Interact through direct message tweet, retweets, blog comments and Facebook posts. Communication is a two-way street, so take time to get to know your online friends.

2. Ask questions and solicit advice. Create opportunities for people to communicate with you and each other.

3. Reward your followers and fans. Offer discounts on products, preview of a new publication or a special report just for your followers.

4. Be authentic. Post the way you talk and make sure to stay true to who you are. Your ideal client will be attracted to you, so if you are not genuine online, they will not be happy when they work with you offline.

5. Have fun. Let your personality shine through by sharing some personal items with your online community. Find a healthy balance of personal and professional and enjoy building new relationships with your (hopefully) new clients.


Unknown said...

Great info Kristina.
It's so important to constantly provide value for the people who are following. Seth Godin's "Tribes" nails this point......thanks for the post!

Linda Pucci, PhD said...

Great ideas, Kristina! I always notice if people don't seem authentic in their postings. I love it when their personality shows through, even with postings about offerings or their businesses. Social media is definitely more complicated than I first thought, especially for growing a business, but your tips make it easy to figure out how to jump in and make it work for me.

Anonymous said...

I love these Kristina; expecially numbers 4 and 5. I found your post very encouraging.

Unknown said...

Yes, yes! It's all about the relationships in social media. If all you do is throw info and products out there and never participate in the conversation, you won't experience the "social" part of it. Great reminders Kristina!

Sandy Rees

Mary Ellen said...

Excellent tips Kristina. I think one's authenticity can really shine through on social media.

creativelyfit said...

Kristina, Thank you for this great and practical advice. LOVE your logo! Did you read my last post about Mandalas? So powerful! Thanks for sharing.

Santoshamo said...

Great post, Kristina. Practical and authentic!